The 15 Prestigious IISD-CMI National Sustainability Awards, 2025 are to be presented By the Hon’ble Chief Guest, on 06th March 2025 to recognize and honor Individuals & Organizations for their Outstanding Contributions toward leading India on the Path of Sustainability and Decarbonization. These Awards are to be decided by an Esteemed Jury Panel, where if the Deserving Nomination will not be received, in few Award areas, those Awards will not be Considered.
*by Midnight (11:59 PM)
This prestigious National Award is to be bestowed to a Distinguished Woman Entrepreneur or Individual / Institute of National Eminence, who has Substantially Contributed / is Contributing as an Outstanding Leader for Making India more Sustainable.
This prestigious National Award is to be bestowed to a Distinguished Youth Leader or Institute of National Eminence, who has Substantially Contributed / is Contributing to Promote Sustainability in India.
Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) is registered as a National Not-for-Profit, Independent Public Policy Think Tank and Scientific Research Institute at New Delhi, with an objective of working for ensuring overall improvement of lives and living of Common Man, through Research Innovations and engaging with Communities at grass-root level. IISD strives to put India into a Sustainable Path that is Inclusive and Equitable, involving People, Planet and Business.
CMI is an Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) initiative, which is again a Leading Indian Public Policy Think Tank and Research Institute at New Delhi, committed to protect Our Only Planet, Mother Earth from Global Warming and other adverse impacts of Climate Change. CMI is engaged to evolve a strategic framework for India, in identifying low carbon growth opportunities and facilitates a series of planned and scaled-up program, striving for lowering the carbon intensity of the economy at the macro and sectoral levels, by creating synergies and addressing the barriers, potential trade-offs and appropriate financial (Carbon Finance Models) needs to remove these blockades. Moreover, CMI works to raise India’s consensus efforts and for national preparedness to face and address global climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges.
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