
Global Sustainability Summit (GSS), 2024

The Context and Rationale

Today the World is facing a Series of Challenges, going through a Series of Challenges, Propelled by an Unprecedented crisis, One after another, Such as Global Energy Crisis because of 2 Prolonged Wars, Socio Economic & Political Unrest, Civil War and lack of Trust among Nations, Continuous Finance and Natural Resource Scarcity; in addition to the Continuous Disaster Risks, Extreme Weather Events Such as Heatwaves, Global Humanitarian and Public Health Outbreaks, and Lack of Trust and Faith everywhere for quite some time Now. Moreover, Global Average Temperature of our Planet has gone up above 1.45˚ Celsius of the Pre-Industrial times, which is beyond human tolerance, whereas in no case, it Should exceed 1.5°C, for Normal Human Survival Destabilizing the Development Agenda and Urgent Climate Actions; Where many families have fallen into Poverty-trap, Severely impacting the access to Basic Education, and Healthcare, in a Post Covid Scenario. To find out the rightful Solutions to all these Pressing Challenges, there is an immediate Call, If Some One refers to Our history and the ancient Civilization, India has always Demonstrated Outstanding Resilience and Global Leadership in Sustainability and Decarbonization, through adopting their Low-carbon Lifestyles and the Culture of Worshipping Nature. The GSS’24 Offers a Credible Platform for Indian Leadership to Dialogue, Debate, Discuss and Deliver the appropriate Solutions, along with Global Players at the Epicenter of the National Capital, New Delhi. IISD-CMI bring together Thought Leaders, Prolific Thinkers, Policy Makers, Political and Governance Leadership, Business and Industry Leaders, Academicians, Researchers, Scientists and Eminent Persons from Sports, Culture, and Arts to Celebrate their 16+ years of Dedicated Service to the Planet.

India from the time immemorial, have exhibited Outstanding resilience, Demonstrated its Dynamic Global Leadership in Centre-staging Sustainability and De-carbonization; not only in Public Policy; But also Showcased by building Climate-Friendly, Low-Carbon Lifestyles that Every Indian normally does adopt and follow, always giving back to Nature by the Principles of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling; thereby Conserving Nature and Natural Resources, through our age old inherited Culture.

To Overcome all the Crises of the hour, We need to come together and engage Ourselves in Solution based approaches. At the middle of this Juncture, IISD-CMI Presents The Global Sustainability Summit (GSS), 2024 as a Credible Platform to find Solutions to all these existing Present Day Challenges, Where Indian Leadership can Dialogue, Debate, Discuss and Deliver, along with Global Players, Who are Steering the Nation ahead, at this Point Of time. Undoubtedly, GSS’24 is a high Profile Global Event at the Epicenter of the National Capital of India, New Delhi; Especially where both the Institutes are celebrating their 16+ years of Dedicated Services to the Nation and the Planet, Mother Earth.

In this Program, IISD-CMI will bring Global Thought Leaders, Business and Industry Leaders, Political as well as Policy and Governance Leaders together, along with the Indian Culture, Arts and Glamour World; Creating an historic Occasion to Showcase India’s Pragmatic Sustainability Leadership of the last 76 years and how India aspires to contribute to the Planet, till when it will be 100 in 2047, by Creating a more Resilient and Decarbonized Society. On 27th and 28th November, 2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi; a High Profile Program is been Organized by IISD-CMI; where The Global Sustainability Summit (GSS), 2024 will take Place and National Sustainability Awards will also be awarded by Hon’ble Chief Guests to Distinguished Nominees, for their Outstanding Contribution to the Nation, from different fields, in Promotion of Social, Environmental and Economic Sustainability, While enabling Strongest Possible Climate Actions.

Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)

Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) is registered as a National Not-for-Profit, Independent Public Policy Think Tank and Scientific Research Institute at New Delhi, with an objective of working for ensuring overall important for lives and living of Common Man, through research innovation and engaging with Communities at grass-root level. IISD strives to put India into a Sustainable Path that is Inclusive and Equitable, involving people, Planet and Business.

https://iisdindia.in/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/iisdindia/about/

Carbon Minus India (CMI)

Carbon Minus India (CMI) is engaged to evolve a Strategic Framework for India as well as the Planet, in identifying Low Carbon Growth Opportunities and to Guide / Facilitate a series of Planned and Scaled-up Programs, which would support the on-going Dialogues for establishing a Climate Friendly Development Path, which raise National Awareness and Facilitate informed consensus on India’s Efforts to address Local to Global Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction for Our Cities, Villages and different Vulnerable Communities.

https://carbonminus.org/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/carbon-minus-india-new-delhi/about/

School of Business Sustainability (SBS)

Established in 2007, the School of Business Sustainability (SBS) at IISD offers sought-after Courses and National Certification Programs for Professionals, Industries & Businesses, and Academicians & Researchers. With a Mission to build Sustainability Competence among Industries and other Stakeholders; Since July 2008, IISD-CMI has hosted Courses with over 2000 National & International Participants. SBS is notable for its Annual Flagship Programs on ESG, BRSR, and Sustainability Reporting, attracting Professionals from Cross-Cutting Sectors.

certificatecourses.iisdindia.in https://www.linkedin.com/company/school-of-business-sustainability/

Carbon Management School (CMS)

The Carbon Management School (CMS), attracted over 2000 Students, from Multiple Fields of Expertise. Our Flagship National Certificate Course Program on Carbon Management covers Greenhouse Gas Mapping, Carbon Footprinting, Carbon Markets, Climate Risk Management and Carbon Trading. Upcoming Certificate Courses include Climate Change Adaptation, Carbon Finance, Renewable Energy and much more, with Specializations in areas such as Energy Efficiency, Green Building, and International Climate Negotiations.

certificatecourses.iisdindia.in https://www.linkedin.com/company/carbon-management-school/

Vision Of GSS'2024

“Our Vision is to emerge as one among the leading global Knowledge & Action Think Tanks and a Centre of Excellence, in the fields Sustainability, ensuring Peace, Prosperity and Sustainable Development for mankind, in harmony with Nature, to sustain this Planet, with full of hopes and lives ahead, forever.”


Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) and Carbon Minus India (CMI), New Delhi is registered as a National Independent Not – for – Profit, Public Policy Think Tank and Research Institute at New Delhi, with an objective of working for ensuring overall improvement of lives and living of Common Man, through Scientific Research, Innovations and engaging with communities at grass – root level. IISD strives to put India into a Sustainable Path that is Inclusive and Equitable, involving People, Planet and Business.

Vision of IISD-CMI’s 16 Year Celebration is propelled by the basic vision of both Global Think Tanks and Scientific Research Institutes, from India; because of their confidence gained in the last 16 years. Now in a post 16-year period, they wish to push India’s Sustainability and Global Climate Leadership Agenda for the Planetary Interests.

Few of IISD-CMI Credentials

The Summit Focuses On

National Steering Committee

The Global Sustainability Summit (GSS), 2024

Shri C. K Mishra

C. K. Mishra (Retd IAS:1983:BH), is an Intellectual Personality Par Excellence, He has served as Secretary to the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare . He is a Stephanian and also led the Indian Delegation for Negotiations in many important International Treaty and Conventions, involving UNFCCC, Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer and various other Multilateral forums of the United Nations.

Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar

Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar
is the Former Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India’s largest Research and Development Organization. Addressing the competition between India and China regarding Innovation, he outlines important steps India can take to Bolster its Global Stance in Research & Development.

Dr Shailesh Nayak

Dr Shailesh Nayak
is an Indian Space Scientist of International Repute and is the Director of the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) and the Distinguished Scientist in the Ministry of Earth Sciences. He was the Chair of the Earth System Science Organization (ESSO) and Secretary to the Government of India for the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES). He has provided the able Leadership to the Space Research Centre (SRC), Ahmadabad, under ISRO.

Dr. Pema Gyamtsho

Dr Pema Gyamtsho is the Director General for the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), a Regional Knowledge centre based in Kathmandu, Nepal. He is an Agricultural Scientist with experience in both the Political Arena and Development Sector. He has worked with the Royal Government of Bhutan for over 30 years, and was Bhutan’s first Democratically elected Minister of Agriculture and Forest from 2013 to 2018. He has also worked with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and ICIMOD earlier.

Ms. Lakshmi M. Puri


Ms. Lakshmi M. Puri is an Indian diplomat and Former Deputy Executive Director of UN Women (2011-2015). Renowned for her work in Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, she has significantly Influenced Global Policies and Programs in these areas. Her career includes notable roles in both the Indian Government and the UN, where she has been a Leading Advocate for Women’s Rights.

Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi

Prof. Sachin Chaturvedi is the Director General, Research and Information System (RIS) for Developing Countries, a New Delhi-based Think-Tank, under the Ministry Of External Affairs. He is also Vice Chairman, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Institute of Good Governance and Policy Analysis (Bhopal) and a Member in Board of Governors, Reserve Bank of India.

Amb. Manjeev Singh Puri


Amb. Manjeev Singh Puri was an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) Diplomat and Ambassador of India to Nepal. He has served at different capacities in Indian Missions abroad, including India’s Foreign Ministry and many Multilateral Organizations, such as the United Nations and European Union etc.

Ms. Carrie Rich


Ms. Carrie Rich is the CEO and Co-Founder of The Global Good Fund, an organization that Accelerates Social Entrepreneurs working on Global Health and Development Issues. With a Master’s in Public Health from George Washington University, she leads initiatives to Support and Mentor Impact-Driven Leaders. Mr. Rich is also a Prominent Speaker and Thought Leader on Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development.

Shri Satya S. Tripathi

Shri Satya S. Tripathi
was UN Assistant Secretary-General at UN Environment, at New York. As a Development Economist and Legal Professional, with over 35 years of varied experience, Shri Tripathi has served the UN since 1998 in Europe, Asia and Africa. He is the Secretary General of the Global Alliance for a Sustainable Planet (GASP), a New York based Think Tank.

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan is the Chairman of the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) and a Former Chief Scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO). Renowned for her expertise in Global Health and Research, Dr. Swaminathan has significantly contributed to Public Health and Medical Research, particularly in the areas of Infectious Diseases and Nutrition. Her Leadership at MSSRF focuses on Sustainable Development and Agricultural Innovation.

Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra

Dr. Trillochan Mohapatra
is the Chairperson of the Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers’ Rights Authority. He is recognized for his Expertise in Plant Genetics and Agricultural Policy, focusing on Safeguarding Plant Varieties and Promoting Farmers’ Rights. He is the former Director General of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Research and Education.

Dr Shobha Maharaj

Dr. Shobha Maharaj
is a Climate Impacts Scientist, who has Contributed to Several International Science-Based Reports, and is the Lead Author for Both the Small Islands and the Biodiversity Hotspots Chapters, for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s 6th Assessment Report (6AR), for which She was Recognized by the United Nations, as One of 12 Female Scientists on the Forefront of Climate Action. She, along with her IPCC AR6 Colleagues, was also a Co-Recipient of the Glubenkian Prize for Services for Humanity.

National Organizing Committee

The Global Sustainability Summit (GSS), 2024

Shri Ajit Mangrulkar

Director General
IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Dr Sushant K Singh

AVP - Data and Analytics
Sonata Software, New Jersey, USA

Dr Lata Suresh

Corporate Affairs Specialist

Dr M. Narendra

Former CMD, Indian Overseas Bank
Adviser, Enqube Collaboration

Shri Vijay Goel

Senior Partner
Singhania and Co, London

Shri Rakesh Chandra Agarwal

Executive Chairman, ECPF

Ms Payal Jain

Sustainable Fashion Professional

Shri Raman Taneja

ESG, BRSR & Sustainability Professional

Ms Leher Sethi

Sustainability Media Tycoon

Director General
Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)

Dr Srikanta K. Panigrahi -is a Leading Global Sustainability Thought Leader and the Distinguished Research Fellow and Director General, Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) and an IISD Initiative Carbon Minus India (CMI); Both are Public Policy Think Tanks and Scientific Research Institutes at New Delhi. 

He is a well-known Indian Policy Maker and Technocrat, who has worked with the Government of India, 
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and The World Bank. He is a Member to National Strategic Knowledge and few Other Missions on Climate Change; to implement the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). He was a Member Secretary to a Prestigious Working Group to Prepare the National Action Plan for Operationalizing CDM in India, based on which CDM rolled in India and the Report of the Committee on Biofuels, at Planning Commission (Now NITI Aayog), Both the Reports are submitted to Indian Prime Minister’s Office (PMO). He is in Few Government Of India & United Nation’s Steering Committees & Task Forces on Technology Transfer, Climate / ESG Risk Finance, Transition Finance and UN-SDGs Implementation.

He has represented India in many COPs and International Climate Change Negotiations in UNFCCC and also Known as Chief Architect of Indian Carbon Market. He is awarded the National Science Popularization Award by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, for his Extraordinary Contribution and Commitments to Popularize Science among the Common Mass and is and Recognized by UNEP for his Valuable Contribution and Leadership in Catalyzing Environment Actions, on World Environment Day, 2007. MIT Sloan School of Management has recognized him, as an En-Road Climate Ambassador, in Policy Makers Category.

He had Research Fellowship of Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (MIT), Cambridge MA, USA. He was an UNEP/UNESCO Fellow, Where he has delivered Guest Lectures in Prestigious 149 Universities of the Globe, including from India and abroad.


Director General and Distinguished Research Fellow, IISD

IISD-CMI 52 Focus Areas

Past Achievements


Tree Planted by IISD-CMI along with their 121 CBOs under UNEP’s – The Billion Tree Campaign


National/International Campaigns/Public Outreach Programs


Registered Volunteers


Industry, Business House, Corporate, Diplomatic Mission & Institutional and Not For Profit Member.


Policy Advisory, Research, Consultancy Projects done


Field Staffs for under taking primary survey & other field research assignments


National Partnering NGOs and CBOs


Sites in PAN India where Cleaning Operations Organized


Media Meets and Press Release are made Public


Scientists, researchers, public policy analyst, engineers, Economists and other staffs


Empanelment’s in Central/State Govt Ministries, Research Labs, UN Organizations


National/International Seminars, Workshops, Conclaves and Summits