Carbon Minus India
- Articulate a cost-effective strategy for further lowering the carbon intensity of the economy at the macro and sectoral levels that is beneficial for national growth objectives, by identifying synergies, barriers and potential trade-offs and financial needs to address these blockades
- Identify opportunities for and facilitate leveraging financial resources, including external finance, such as Carbon Finance (CF), to support of a low carbon growth strategy, as well as explore the possible need for new financing instruments; and
- Raise national awareness and facilitate informed consensus on India’s efforts to address Local to Global Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Change Mitigation and Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Reduction for Our Cities, Villages and different vulnerable Communities.
CMI would adopt following means for achieving it’s Objectives.
- Act as a Think Tank of Indian Intellects to help Government, Industry, Private Sector, Academia, to device right Policy Directive and necessary technological and strategic interventions to drive India in to a low carbon economy path.
- Provide Research and Consultancy for mitigating Climate Change i.e reduction in Carbon Foot-Print by promoting Carbon Trading for generation of Carbon Revenue, CDM Project Development Facility, Programmatic CDM ( i.e. Moving away from current project-by-project approach, and scaling up to a program of investments), Development of Renewable and Clean Energy Projects, Conducting Energy, Environment and Water Audits and Energy Efficiency Studies.
- Disseminate of large scale Carbon Investment Opportunity Information, Carbon Finance tools available in present day market, particularly for Small and Medium Industries, Public and Private Sector and all those, who are associated, there by increasing Confidence and Credibility in the Carbon Market.
- Promote Climate friendly Life-Styles, Life-style-product and process, through its Climate Friendly Product Certification System through a Life Cycle Audit by its own professional trained Engineers and qualified auditors.
- Execute Climate Friendly Life-Style Campaigns by Organizing Public Marathons, Walkathons, and Rallies and through Community Radio and Audio-visual Programmes, Films, Folk and Street Theatres, Music, Dance and Songs, Issuing Posters, Pamphlets, Booklets, Monographs and also News Letters in public interests.
- Publish a quarterly magazine Carbon Minus’ in regular basis (initially planned quarterly) – India’s first and Only Magazine on Climate Change and Carbon Finance.
- Address it’s Objectives through development of a vibrant and dynamic Web-site .
- Organize tailor-made specific GHGs Reduction Awareness Programmes, involving School, College Children and Common masses through various Community initiatives like Stake-holder’s Meet, State-holder’s Consultations involving Corporate Sector Interfaces, Special Lectures, Quiz, Essay, Debate, Elocution, Drawing Competitions etc.
- Opting Bio-fuel and Medicinal Plant and Massive Plantation Programmes and Carbon Storage and Carbon Sequestration Initiatives by Rural, Tribal and Women Communities, thereby creating natural as well as artificial “ Sinks” linking to Bio and Community Carbon Funds.
- Organize regional, national, international Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, Symposiums, Exhibitions and Buyer-Sheller Meets on related themes of Climate Change and Carbon Trading.
- Certify Carbon Minus to Schools, Institutes, Corporate Houses, Eco-friendly Industries, Green Buildings, Banks, and hotels, Organizations of national and international repute.
- Develop of appropriate Data-bases and Information bases, through advanced tools like Geo-informatics etc for Inventerasing GHG Emissions, which would be useful in decision making processes.
- Develop adaptive capacities for the appropriate communities – say Farmers, Fishermen etc, to cope with new changes, due to climate change and make them adopt right strategies for continuing with same or similar livelihood options through information dissemination and training. (Adaptatation)
- Network with Organizations/Institutes of similar Objectives to increase its strength collectively to face the adverse impacts of climate change for the betterment of Society with new synergy.
- Articulate a cost-effective strategy for further lowering the carbon intensity of the national economy at the macro and sectoral levels by offering right incentives for Low Carbon Technologies; that is beneficial for growth objectives, by identifying synergies, barriers and potential trade-offs, and the financial needs.
- Identify opportunities and facilitate leveraging financial resources, including external finance, such as Carbon Finance (CF), to support of a low carbon growth strategy, as well as explore the possible need for new financing instruments, Systematically integrating Carbon Finance into Public and Private Investment Decisions and scaling up intermediation through the involvement of the financial sector across various other sectors of the economy.
Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) is registered as a National Not-for-Profit, Independent Public Policy Think Tank and Scientific Research Institute at New Delhi, with an objective of working for ensuring overall improvement of lives and living of Common Man, through Research Innovations and engaging with Communities at grass-root level. IISD strives to put India into a Sustainable Path that is Inclusive and Equitable, involving People, Planet and Business.
CMI is an Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) initiative, which is again a Leading Indian Public Policy Think Tank and Research Institute at New Delhi, committed to protect Our Only Planet, Mother Earth from Global Warming and other adverse impacts of Climate Change. CMI is engaged to evolve a strategic framework for India, in identifying low carbon growth opportunities and facilitates a series of planned and scaled-up program, striving for lowering the carbon intensity of the economy at the macro and sectoral levels, by creating synergies and addressing the barriers, potential trade-offs and appropriate financial (Carbon Finance Models) needs to remove these blockades. Moreover, CMI works to raise India’s consensus efforts and for national preparedness to face and address global climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges.
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